Here are just some of the benefits of oatmeal as either a meal or a snack.
Lower cholesterol
Studies have shown that the beta-glucan fiber found in oats is effective for reducing LDL (and total) cholesterol. This lowering of cholesterol in the blood leads to overall improved heart health.
Control blood sugar
By improving insulin sensitivity and slowing the ingestion of glucose into the blood, oats are tremendously effective at keeping blood sugar under control, especially for those who are overweight or have Type 2 Diabetes. In other words, if you're looking to avoid excess sugar and carbs, adding oatmeal to your diet may be better than going full keto in the long-run.
Lose weight
Because oats are slow-digesting and high in fiber, they promote an extended feeling of fullness, meaning you'll be less likely to snack throughout the morning. Also, the beta-glucan fiber facilitates production of the peptide YY, a hormone that tells your brain you're full. Less snacking and more feelings of fullness mean less eating overall which can also lead to a healthier, more manageable weight.
Antioxidant rich
Oats are packed with antioxidants, which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory benefits as well as lower blood pressure by increasing the production of nitric oxide, molecules which improve blood flow.
Fight cancer
Speaking of antioxidants, they also neutralize the free radicals which damage our DNA cells, leading to cancer. Also, studies have shown that diets high in fiber (oats are incredibly fiber-rich) reduce the risk of colon and rectal cancers.
Enjoy the benefits of oatmeal
So, is oatmeal good for you? Absolutely.
Like anything else, if you eat too much oatmeal, that's not healthy, but if it's part of a balanced diet there are plenty of health benefits you can get out of it.