“It’s Just Oatmeal”

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OK we’ll be honest - we weren’t 100% sure what we were doing when we started and we made a lot of mistakes. We’re still learning but one thing we always got right is making flavors our customers actually want... because we just ask them. Oats Overnight is the result.

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8 years later we’ve got 45+ flavors, facilities in AZ and OH, and we’re nationwide in stores. All thanks to you.

At the end of the day, we’re not saving the world. We’re just a bunch of people making really good oatmeal.

How It All Began

DIY oats are great but they take a lot of prep time (and they never taste the same each day). Brian tried to go out and buy them but they didn’t exist. Lightbulb. This is what happened next.

Where We’re At Today

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We’ve always kept everything in-house. Literally, this started IN Brian’s house. Most companies eventually outsource because it’s cheaper (which is crazy). But we’re a food company: why wouldn’t we keep making food ourselves? This allows us to improve the product and release new flavors every month. Basically, this is how we’re able to make the best oatmeal in the world.